xml.com Article: Ten Favorite XForms Engines


  Allow me to repost the latest XUL News Wire story
about XForms:

  To promote his O'Reilly XForms Essentials book that
hit the shelfs in late August Micah Dubinko (W3C
XForms spec co-author) wrote up an article for XML.com
that surveys ten XForms engines.

  The XForms line-up includes:

  * Chibacon Chiba
  * IBM XML Forms Package
  * MobiForm SVGViewPlus
  * Mozquito DENG
  * Novell XForms Technology Preview
  * Orbeon Open XML Framework
  * Oracle engine
  * Ripcord Technology nForms
  * University of Helsinki X-Smiles
  * x-port FormsPlayer

  Full story @

  - Gerald

PS: For details about Micah's O'Reilly XForms
Essentials book check out the XUL Alliance Bookshelf
at http://xul.sourceforge.net/books.html

A draft version is also online for free @

PPS: For more XUL News Wire stories browse the
or @ http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum=xul-announce

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Received on Friday, 12 September 2003 08:59:42 UTC