Re: XForm processor for IE6


My company has produced an activeX component that acts as an xForm processor
for IE 5.5+. We are currently finalising and  testing the core  product
against the W3C spec; but have designed it so that it can be easily
customised if necessary for internal applications (for example we have
experimented with an "output" element that will display images for an xForm
image/data retrieval system; this is outside the spec, I assume because it
needs to write temporary files for a browser.

This is part of a suite of software that incorporates drag and draw form
design, a visual model/schema designer which allows referenced or bound
nodes to be created with simple visual techniques, and a "builder" for
creating xPath "calculate", "relevant", or "required" expressions, again
with "drag and drop" of xml nodes.

The designer is language independant with regard to labels, file names, and
all messages save those generated by internal components. Our aim to have a
beta available by the end of May.

Best Regards

Rob Bull

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ramirez, Xavier" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 1:09 PM
Subject: XForm processor for IE6

I am new to XForms and I am having problems getting an XForm processor that
support schemas. What is the best implementation of XForms in IE6?


Xavier Ramírez Majó
Can Male S/N 08186 Llissa de Amunt - Barcelona (Spain)
Tel: (+34) 93 860 90 01
Fax: (+34) 93 860 90 19

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2003 05:01:50 UTC