RE: If there is server side Xform processor

Yes, FormFaces marshals the posted name-value pairs into XML instance
data by using XPath referencing throughout the client DHTML form

-----Original Message-----
From: Jagannayakam [] 
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 9:54 AM
To: Www-Forms (E-mail)
Subject: If there is server side Xform processor

Hi all , 

If there is a service side xform processor like FromFaces/OXF / XML form
package(from IBM)   , what happens when a used updates a values and
the HTML page. 
Will the Xform processor on the server side process the request and give
required XML output ? If this is not the case how does it work ? 


Received on Monday, 30 June 2003 10:12:19 UTC