RE: xforms processors

> From: Karandikar, Shailesh []

> Server side validation and workflow can not be eliminated. 
> However, with a
> client side validation, round trips to the server could be minimized,

Yes precisely. The argument of whether to handle XForms on the client
or the server ignores an intention of XForms. The purpose is to define
a form's elements, validation rules, and their relationships once,
and the client and the server *both* are capable of handling all of this.
Thus if the user makes a mistake, the client takes first swing, and
the server picks up the slack.

As an example, it's been suggested that this maybe-pioneering
form script by Peter Paul-Koch:

suffers from exactly the ailments XForms can solve. Sure it
performs well and only passes the needed elements back, but
what if Javascript is turned off? XForms to the rescue.

-Chris "SoopahMan" Moschini

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Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2003 09:45:19 UTC