Problem in XForms with dependence of data


    I have created this file using XForms:

    <xforms:model id="mdlResult">

    <xforms:model id="mdlData">
      <xforms:instance id="instData">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/main.css" type="text/css" />
  <div class="body">
        <xforms:group ref="xforms:instance('instData')">
          <xforms:select1 model="mdlResult" ref="//countryName" 
                <xforms:label>Select a country</xforms:label>

            <xforms:select1 model="mdlResult" ref="//cityName" 
                <xforms:label>Select a city</xforms:label>
                <xforms:itemset nodeset="<!--I HAVE THE PROBLEM HERE--
                    <xforms:label ref="."/>
                  <xforms:value ref="."/>

    When a person selects a contry in the first "xforms:select1", I 
would like to see in the second "xforms:select1" the names of the 
cities of the selected country. I know I have to use a XPath 
expression in "<!--I HAVE THE PROBLEM HERE-->" but I canīt find the 
appropiate expresion. 
Can somebody help me, please?

    Thank you.


Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2003 04:16:25 UTC