Re: XML Schema as a basis to form construction / documents instantiat ion

Hello Franco,
Franco, Alexandre wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting to learn XForms, but I have an idea that some of you may
> already have worked on: I would like to use XML Schema as a basis for web
> forms construction. It's not the same as XForms, in fact it's much simpler: 
>            XML Schema  --->> Form Processor + User Input --->> XML Document
> Instance
> I would like to know your opinions about this work, have anyone built
> something like this? Is it feasible?
The Chiba XForms project has a XML 
Schema2XForms generator implemented as an Ant task. you'll put in a XML 
Schema and get a complete XForms document out that conforms with that 
Schema and allows data-entry of valid instances. it uses some defaults 
to solve ambiguities arising for the UI control selection.

it's currently only available from cvs directly but will be part of the 
next release later this month. - look at the build.xml file for basic 
information on usage.

hope this helps,

Joern Turner
> Thanks a lot,
> Alexandre Franco

Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2003 13:45:53 UTC