RE: Proposal for Extensions to HTML4

On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Borgrink, Susan wrote:
>> "A set of zero or more values from a predefined list (in the
>> limiting case of the list only containing one value, this is
>> equivalent to a boolean)."
> This may be only a minor technicality, but how is it possible to
> have a checkbox control with no values.

That section is detailing the types that are returned to the server.
For a set of checkboxes:

   [ ] Cheese     [ ] Tomato
   [ ] Pepperoni  [ ] Anchovies

...where each checkbox has the name "topping" (but different values),
the valid return values are zero or more values from the list of four.
No values would be a valid return value, as would the four values.

Hence, the data type for checkboxes is (just as for <select multiple>
controls) a set of zero or more values from a predefined list.

> ...unless there is a way to dynamically add values to the select
> multiple like the itemset element in XForms.

There is:

>> "An enumerated value, with the extra semantic that it must be the
>> last value selected and initiates form submission." is for the
>> submit control.
> and
>> "A submit button with a richer content model than an input element
>> button. (Can also be used for reset and button buttons.)" is for
>> the button control.
> How is it possible for there to be two separate submit controls? I
> didn't seems to see any explanation as to the difference between the
> two, when one would be used over the other.

Ask the HTML4 editors. :-) That section is merely describing the
status quo as an introduction to the new controls.

I believe the <button> element was introduced some time after the
<input type="submit"> button. The former has a richer content model,
allowing (for instance) emphasis tags to be embedded within it, which
would explain its introduction.

>> From the example for repeat (3.6.1): "If the "Add Row" button is
>> pressed, a new row is added. The first such row would have the
>> index 1 and so the controls would be named "name_2" and "count_2"
>> respectively."
> If the counting starts at 0 why does it skip to 2?

Oops, there was a typo in that sentence. The index should have been 2,
not 1 (since there are already two blocks in the content).


> Also, with your new explanation at the introduction of the repeat section:
>    "<tr>
>     <td><input type="text" name="row0.product" value=""></td>
>     <td><input type="text" name="row0.quantity" value="1"></td>
>    </tr>"
> and in your explanation of Addition and Removal for repeat:
> "For example if the template is called "order", and the new
> repetition block's index has the value 2, and one of the attributes
> of one of the descendents of the new repetition block is
> "comment._order_._comment_", then the attribute's value is changed
> to "comment.2._comment_"."
> and the example in 3.6.1:
>     "<tr repeat="repeated">
>       <td><input type="text" name="name_0" value="John Smith"></td>
>       <td><input type="text" name="count_0" value="2"></td>
>       <td><input type="remove" value="Delete Row"></td>
>      </tr>"
> the naming conventions all seem to be slightly different. Which is
> the correct one?

That's up to the author. I've added a note to the introduction to
hopefully clarify that the author has the final say in that matter.

Thank you very much! Your input has been most helpful.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
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Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2003 08:17:07 UTC