Bookmark Example in XForms Spec

Looking at the bookmark example
<xforms:model id="bookmarks">
    <xforms:instance src="bookmarks.xml" />
   <xforms:submission id="s01" method="post"
action="" />
<xforms:repeat nodeset="bookmark" id="repeatBookmarks">
   <xforms:input ref="@name">
       <xforms:label>Bookmark name</xforms:label>
   <xforms:input ref="@href">
The input control uses a "ref" attribute. If I alter the example to use
the "bind" attribute (instead of ref)
<xforms:repeat nodeset="bookmark" id="repeatBookmarks">
   <xforms:input bind="b1">
       <xforms:label>Bookmark name</xforms:label>
   <xforms:input bind="b2">
What decides the context of my <bind> decl. (Does the <repeat> actually
sets the context of <bind> in the model???)
<xforms:model id="bookmarks">
    <xforms:instance src="bookmarks.xml" />
    <xforms:submission id="s01" method="post"
action="" />
    <xforms:bind id="b1" ref="@name" ../>
    <xforms:bind id="b2" ref="@href" ../>

Received on Friday, 27 September 2002 17:52:31 UTC