Re: A silly idea?

In a message dated 05/09/2002 09:43:05 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

> XSLT is built on XPath. XPath has no way to access or manipulate the DOCTYPE 
> declaration. The DOCTYPE declaration inevitably changes between a Working 
> Draft and a full Recommendation. So you can't use XSLT to update all of the 
> document.
> So, it cannot be done using XSLT alone.

Hm .... Apologies. ... That's the trouble with mailing lists. You sometimes 
think for 2 seconds and type for 30. :)

It *would* be possible to handle the DOCTYPE issue.

By providing appropriate values for the doctype-public and doctype-system 
attributes on xsl:output the output document could have the DOCTYPE 
declaration appropriate to a REC (or later draft).

Of course, you are left with the practical problem of finding an 
XSLT-literate person who is also sufficiently on top of different versions to 
actually write a stylesheet. And who has the time and inclination to do so.

Andrew Watt

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 05:50:53 UTC