Re: [Moderator Action] XForms WD 20020821 - Abstract

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----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 9:50 AM
Subject: [Moderator Action] XForms WD 20020821 - Abstract

> There are a couple of parts of the Abstract which seem to me to merit
> editing.
> In the first paragraph it reads, "By splitting traditional XHTML forms
> three parts—XForms model, instance data, and user interface ..."
> In reality "traditional XHTML forms" do not have those three parts - there
> is, for example, no XForms model in an HTML/XHTML form.
> I suggest it be redrafted to read something like, "Rather than having a
> monolithic approach to forms, as evidenced in traditional XHTML forms,
> separates the XForms model, instance data and user interface ..."
> Or, alternatively, omit the mention of "traditional XHTL forms" and simply
> state that XForms splits a form into three parts.
> In the second paragraph of the Abstract I suggest that between "be
> into other" and "markup languages" there be inserted "XML". Alternatively
> should be indicated that both XML and non-XML languages are targeted.
> Andrew Watt

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2002 12:14:12 UTC