RE: Load and fragment identifier(#id)


>a load pointing to a fragment identifier within the current document is

How do you read that way?

The Schema defines it as xsd:anyURI, which does allow fragments. The meaning
of the fragment depends on the document type of the resource.

We'll see what implementations do, but treating it like <a href=".."> (with
XML Events activation instead of manually) would be a good starting point.

So, my answer for 1,2, and 3 below is: "whatever html <a> does" :-)



-----Original Message-----
From: bhanu []
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 5:51 AM
Subject: Load and fragment identifier(#id)

As per the load section

10.1.8 The load Element
   This action traverses the specified link
  Linking Attributes 
    Link to external resource to load ...

According to the above text a load pointing to a fragment identifier
within the current document is illegal ("link to external resource")

So this load would be illegal
  <load ev:event="xforms-activate" src="#id_in_the_current_document"/>

If loading to #id_fragment is legal, then what should be the behavior?

1. A new instance of the (current) document is loaded. Hence new state,
new instance data (initialization etc..)

2. Current document state/context is retained, but simply focus is set
to the target "id".

3. Finally, Is there a difference between the following 2 actions
   <load ev:event="xforms-activate" src="#id_in_the_same_document"/>
   <load ev:event="xforms-activate"


Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 20:10:14 UTC