RE: Doubling instance data

You can use <bind ref=".." calculate="..."/> if there is a programmatic
relationship you can express between the <message> and the <author> elements
that doesn't violate the dynamic predicates rule.  (As expressed in your
fragment below, it's not clear what the relationship is; is it XPath
following-sibling, or are the two elements in different parts of the


I'll re-write your markup to make it an easier example for me (and omit
namespaces).  I believe something like the following will work, bit I
haven't run it through a test:

     <author>I am</author>
        <author>I am</author>

 <bind nodeset="/bboard/threads/thread/message/author"

If the relationship is between message and threads is different, you will
have to use different markup, but bear in mind the dynamic predicates rule
(see spec).

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter V. Mikhalenko [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 7:04 AM
Subject: Doubling instance data


Suppose I have a form input element and want it to be in two different
places in the instance, for example I want

  <author>I am</author>
    <author>I am</author>

for the author being inserted from only one input. Is it possible anyway?

Peter V. Mikhalenko
Lead Developer
Sigent Interactive Agency

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2002 14:56:27 UTC