ANNOUNCE: X-Smiles 0.7, with partial XForms CR support

Hello people at www-forms,

The X-Smiles team is proud to present a brand new version 0.7 Kokkola
of the Open Source java-based XML browser X-Smiles! It is now 
downloadable at .

This version brings new features and fixes bugs in the previous version.
The main new features that might be of interest to www-forms people are
(see for details):

+ HTML->XHTML conversion
+ XForms (MH)
   + partial support of the W3C XForms Candidate Recommendation Nov 2002
     + uses the namespace
     + uses the element, attribute and event names from that spec
   + widget creation and handling separated from logic
      + uses the component factory to handle components
      + works now in AWT without Swing also (alpha-quality)
   + PSVI from Xerces 2.1.0 integrated
     + External schema is used to get the PSVI datatypes
     + Validations work with repeat, and are _much_ faster
	   ( possible to validate even between keystrokes)
     - xsi:type and xforms:type not yet supported
   + Datatype-aware controls
     + specific <input> controls for datatypes: xsd:date, xsd:boolean, 
     + specific <range> controls for datatypes: xsd:decimal, xsd:integer
   + All XPath extension functions implemented
     - with the xforms namespace prefix
   + Dynamic select's regarding to UI dom changes (adding/removing items)

CR support level is shown in the XForms implementation chart at:

(By the way, if there's a feature you would like to see, all 
contributions to the code are welcome!)

	Mikko Honkala on behalf of the X-Smiles team

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 08:35:02 UTC