Re: [XForms] ID/IDREF relationships in XML instances

In a message dated 18/11/2002 13:57:24 GMT Standard Time, writes:

>     <person id="1">
>         <forenames>Harold</forenames>
>         <surname>Biggs</surname>
>         <address address_id="c"/>
>     </person>
> There can be more than one <person>, more than one <address> and more than 
> one person/@address_id can point to one address/@id.


Your problem may be totally unrelated but as I read through your code the 
first thing that struck me is that you are using an illegal value for the id 
attribute on the <person> element.

The value of an ID attribute may not start with a numeric character. So 
id="1" is illegal.

Secondly, the fact that an attribute has the name "id" does not automatically 
make it an ID attribute. There needs to be a DTD/schema which states that. 
You don't state whether such a DTD/schema exists.

Either or both of those possible problems would stop an XML processor 
treating your code as if it had a legal ID attribute present.

I hope that helps a little.

Andrew Watt

Received on Monday, 18 November 2002 09:06:38 UTC