Re: [XForms] XForms CR - how many previously reported errors were ignored?

In a message dated 13/11/2002 17:49:20 GMT Standard Time, writes:

> Andrew,
> Thank you for your comments.  We are using Chapter 2 example to part of
> fully developed in Appendix G, where the "Cash" choice is used as an 
> example
> of XML events and the xforms:message element, where it displays a message
> that says "Please do not mail cash."
> We are still seeking implementation feedback, however, and if you do wish 
> to
> send cash, please note that the message is advisory only, and is not
> enforced as a validity constraint.
> Thank you,
> Leigh.


I am trying to decipher how much of your response is tongue in cheek. :)

I am thinking about the impression that Chapter 2 makes on, say, a casual 
visitor to the XForms spec.

I assumed that the XForms WG would want to convey an immediate impression in 
the CR that XForms is taking a realistic approach to cutting edge e-commerce.

It seems obvious to me that an unrealistic example of how to use a form 
creates a poor initial impression. I don't recall ever seeing an online form 
that offers payment by cash as a practical alternative.

Charging an account would allow a much more realistic example to be included. 
If you want a message then include something like "Your account will be 
charged before the goods are sent." or whatever is realistic.

Anyway I have made my point. ... At least until the PR. :)


Andrew Watt

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2002 13:13:04 UTC