server-side support for XForms


  I'm currently working on a new version of an HTML form-parsing 
library (it's an ASF project called libapreq; the project's webpage
is one of the links at

I'd like to include some support for XForms in the upcoming version
of the library, but am struggling with the issue of xml namespaces 
in the multipart/form-data mediaType.  I've looked at sections 4.4.3 
of the XForms-1.0 draft, but the example there does not seem to indicate 
(to me, anyway) how namespaces will be represented in the form
submission data (I'm laboring under the assumption that the multipart/
form-data and text/xml mediaTypes are roughly "interchangeable").

Thanks in advance!

Joe Schaefer

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2002 19:26:31 UTC