
I noticed that according to the latest specifications, the submitInfo
element is only allowed single node binding 
attributes. Shouldn't nodeset binding attributes be allowed as well? I would
think it would be likely that a form 
would need to submit a percentage of the elements. From the documentation it
looks as if a developer has 
the choice between submitting the entire element set or a single element for
each submitInfo element.

<submitInfo ref="form/this" action="someURI"></submitInfo>

Adding nodeset binding would allow a developer to designate a set of form
elements that could be submitted together. 
Perhaps an attribute could be created to designate element exceptions. These
elements would be excluded from the 
form submission.

<submitInfo nodeset="form1" action="someURI"></submitInfo>


<submitInfo exclude="form/this" action="someURI"></submitInfo>

Another question I had that was not made clear in the documentation is
whether multiple submitInfo tags would be 
permitted. I think it would be a benefit to some applications to be able to
submit form data to multiple processing 
pages. For example a user registration form could submit the majority of the
form data to a member info database, 
but if the newsletter registration box is checked the value of the email
field is sent to an external list serv. In this 
scenario some type of designation might be needed to determine the
precedence of the submitInfo elements.

	<submitInfo action="someURI"></submitInfo>
	<submitInfo ref="form/that" action="someNewURI"></submitInfo>

Received on Monday, 25 February 2002 21:40:31 UTC