suppressing certain values in a select element


I would like to suppress certain values, which are dynamically created through a itemset, depending on the element content. I just want to display all element values from the element tm:baseNameString where the content is not empty. 
I tried it with 

<p class="padding">
	<xforms:select1 ref="tm:instanceOf/tm:topicRef/@xlink:href">
		<xforms:label>Typ of the Association: </xforms:label>
		<xforms:hint>Please choose a name for your association</xforms:hint>
		<xforms:itemset nodeset="//tm:topicMap/tm:topic/tm:baseName/tm:baseNameString[string-length()!= 0]">
			<xforms:label ref="." />
			<xforms:value ref="../../@id" />

but it doesn't work out, because it seems to be a invalid binding expression. 
I would like to know if there is another way to achieve this or if it is supposed to work.
Thanks for the help.


Roman Huditsch (hRHU )
Developer .:. Information & Application Engineering 
hico Informations- und Kommunikations-Management Gesellschaft m.b.H.
TechLab, Thomas A. Edison Straße 2.
A-7000 Eisenstadt / Austria
phone: +43/2682/704-61-73; fax: +43/2682/704-71-61-10
mobile: +43/664/4102715

Received on Monday, 23 December 2002 09:52:46 UTC