Re: new XForms Binding Exception in X-Smiles

Hi Roman,

it is really good that you are testing the implementations, but we don't 
want to clutter up this mailing list because of some buggy 
implementation :).

So please send X-Smiles specific bug reports to 
mailing list or to the bug reporting system, linked from And of course, if your Java tooth is aching, all 
patches to the code are appreciated :).


PS. for this specific case: it's hard to say without trying your code, 
but at least an empty nodeset will trigger this exception.


Roman Huditsch wrote:
> Hello,
> Trying the new X-Smiles version I realized that the following code (actually the line conatining the string-length testing), which worked fine in X-Smile 0.7, produces an XForms Binding exception.
> <xforms:repeat nodeset="//tm:topicMap/tm:association" id="associationRepeat">
> 	<xforms:select1 ref="tm:instanceOf/tm:topicRef/@xlink:href" class="associationInstanceOf">
> 		<xforms:label>Typ of the Association: </xforms:label>
> 		<xforms:hint>Please choose a name for your association</xforms:hint>
> 		<xforms:itemset nodeset="//tm:topicMap/tm:topic/tm:baseName/tm:baseNameString[string-length()!=0]">
> 			<xforms:label ref="." />
> 			<xforms:value ref="../../@id" />
> 		</xforms:itemset>
> 	</xforms:select1>
> </xforms:repeat>
> Is there a mistake in my code?
> Please help me.
> wbr,
> Roman

Received on Friday, 20 December 2002 10:17:13 UTC