[ANNOUNCE] X-Smiles 0.71 (Linnuspera) , with better XForms CR support

Merry X-Smiles and happy New Year!

As an x-mas present for all you kindly www-forms folks, we (the X-Smiles 
team) decided to release a new version 0.71 (Linnuspera) of the Open 
Source Java-based browser. This version mainly focuses on better XForms 
CR support. It is not complete yet, though. CR support level is shown in 
the XForms implementation chart at:

It is now downloadable at http://www.x-smiles.org/ .

The main new features can be found at:

(By the way, if there's a feature you would like to see, all
contributions to the code are welcome!)

	The X-Smiles team

Received on Friday, 20 December 2002 04:41:29 UTC