- From: Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer <schnitz@webaccess.mozquito.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 16:26:19 +0100
- To: "CLAVIER Remi FTRD/RTA/LAN" <remi.clavier@rd.francetelecom.com>, <www-forms@w3.org>
This is not possible in XForms 1.0. One solution for future XForms versions would be to extend the repeat semantics and define something like "up" and "down" next to "before" and "after" as parameters when inserting. With "down" one could say to insert a nodeset not just next to the selected nodeset, but to nest inside a nodeset at a given point, which would, as far as I can see it, solve your problem. - Sebastian ----- Original Message ----- From: CLAVIER Remi FTRD/RTA/LAN To: www-forms@w3.org Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 10:51 AM Subject: RE: Recursive Form I 'm working about the faisability study to translate ICS forms (defnned by ETSI) as XForms. My first question is : how to create recurive formes? As an exemple, I supose the model attached to my representation is somethig like ... <paragraph id="id1" title="Title1"> <paragraph "id="id11" title ="paragrah 1.1"> <table> <tablecontent id="t1" title="Table to be filled in"> ... many fiield to fill in ... </tablecontent> </table> <paragraph id="level3" title="paragraph 3th level> <table id="t2 title="to be filled in 2"> ...</table> <table id="t3 title="to be filled in 2"> ...</table> </paragraph> </paragraph.> </paragraph> I need to create a Form to recursivly generate the hierarchy of paragraphs and , of course, the tables... I don't know the exact deep of this tree... I try using <xforms:repeat > and <xforms:index> but at this time, I can't obtain a correct result. Cane everyone help me? Thanks Mr Rémi Clavier Expert Méthodes et Outils France Telecom R&D/RTA/D2M 2, Avenue Pierre Marzin 22307 Lannion tel : +33 2 96 05 22 20 fax: +33 2 96 05 22 20 e_mail : remi.clavier@francetelecom.com
Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2002 10:27:54 UTC