RE: xslt stylesheet for xforms to xhtml


I'm currently working on an XForms/XHTML XSL but this won't be ready for a
while yet. The only other XSL I've seen is one distributed with
XML::XForms::Generator ( but
that was for the previous WD.

Your forms won't be future proof until the XForms Recommendation comes
out. Current implementations (and forms) may need to be altered several
times before that.

And XHTML 1.0 will only be able to cover a small subset of XForms.

But, if you need forms and you already use XSLT an XForms XML is one way
to go.


On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Robert Trybis wrote:
> Perhaps I should explain further what I am trying to do.
> I think xforms is the future for form processing on the www.
> Unfortunately I need forms now but xforms is not yet ready.
> The solution (I think) is to define my forms in xforms then use xlst to
> produce xhtml. I can use the xhtml right now. My forms are also future
> proofed since in the future, when xforms is widely adopted, I will be
> able to use them directly without the translation step.
>             ____
> xforms---->|xslt|---->xhtml
>             ----
>               ^
>               |
>            xslt stylesheet
> I am sure this must be being done already and I was wondering if there
> was already an xslt stylesheet available that will do the translation?
> There were some earlier emails on a similar topic but they did not
> appear to reach a conclusion on a stylesheet. Also they were concerned
> with "on-the-fly" processing either on the server or the client. I am
> thinking more about a one-off batch conversion during development.
> Is this too simplistic a view?
> Regards
> Robert

kurt george gjerde <>
intermedia uib, university of bergen

Received on Friday, 30 August 2002 05:07:01 UTC