RE: Naming: select1 vs. singleSelect


I know this is not the most important of issues but I'm gonna throw in a
few more comments anyway.

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Klotz, Leigh wrote:
> A strong goal of XForms [is] integration with XHTML 2.0, and the XHTML
> Working Group asked that we avoid hyphens and use only lowercase letters
> for element and attribute names, which rules out both "selectOne" and
> "select-one".

Why don't XHTML want hyphens or camels? I don't think XForms and XHTML 2.0
should "sell out" to legacy formats like HTML... I do understand the
importance of this integration but XForms should also look beyond XHTML.

XML Schema (which is used by XForms) uses camels (simpleType,
complexType, etc).

The XForms model uses camels (minOccurs, maxOccurs)!

The textarea, navindex and accesskey are all compound lowercase
(tex-tarea, na-vindex, navin-dex?).

> I don't think that trailing numerals in element names are unusual; see HTML
> <h1>, <h2>, etc.

Yes, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>... Like <div1>, <div2>, <div3> in TEI. These are
all sequential numbers.

And, aren't XHTML 2.0 moving away from this by introducing the <section>
and <h> elements...

byte me,
kurt george gjerde <>
intermedia uib, university of bergen

Will work for money.

Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2002 04:01:48 UTC