RE: xforms in xhtml, styled using xsl?

> From: Dagfinn Reiersøl 
> I'm no XSLT guru, but it seems to me that the basic problem 
> with simply using 
> XSLT is placing the values from the Xforms instance corectly 
> in the HTML 
> code. It seems to me a general solution would require the 
> ability to generate 
> and evaluate XPath expressions dynamically. Limiting yourself 

Roger Perttu somewhat answered this in his most recent reply; however, it was not perhaps obvious that it addresses this issue. This is accomplished by using xslt processors that support componentized extensions ala JavaBeans or COM. The component is bound to a namespace prior to invoking the processor. Then, within XSL-T you can invoke methods passing nodesets, and the method can return some scalar value.

For example, here is one that I call in my MSXML-based processor. This comes from my xforms:input template that generates an xhtml input element:

<xsl:template match="xforms:input">
	<input value="{dbxfm:getValueByRef(@model, @ref)}" ... />

And the function prototype is (in Visual Basic):

Public Function getValueByRef(ByVal model As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList, ByVal ref As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList) As Variant

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2002 10:41:09 UTC