RE: XForms UI controls customization with CSS and SVG

> >forms are written purely in an abstract way using XForms 
> elements only
> Sounds interesting. Could you post an example perhaps? 

See the attachment. Though, I don't think there is anything extraordinary
with our forms. The refered XSLT stylesheet includes our general XForms
engine and contains formatting information for this particular form.

> Is your implementation public? 

Unfortunately not. It is a project of my company.

> We totally agree that a 'class' attribute is a good idea, and  a key
> in separating presentational aspects. The only detail is that  the
> comes from outside the XForms specification.

I consider this an advantage, not a disadvantage. Various formatting
languages can be used then, even those that you - as one of the authors of
the XForms specification - don't know about. The forms authors should not be
bounded to any particular formatting language.


Received on Thursday, 25 April 2002 05:02:09 UTC