Required Fields

Since lots of peoples use TAB key to surf around forms in a page
I would like to sugest a way to when you hit TAB key and pass from a required
field it stop and say you can't continue until you enter the information,
example, take a look at line 16:

1 <selectOne ref="as">
2 <caption>Select Payment Method</caption>
3 <choices>
4 <item>
5 <caption>Cash</caption>
6 <value>cash</value>
7 </item>
8 <item>
9 <caption>Credit</caption>
10 <value>credit</value>
11 </item>
12 </choices>
13 </selectOne>
14 <input ref="cc">
15 <caption>Credit Card Number</caption>
17 </input>
18 <input ref="exp">
19 <caption>Expiration Date</caption>
20 </input>
21 <submit submitInfo="submit">
22 <caption>Submit</caption>
23 </submit>

So when you start hit TAB key and you hit Card Number field and hit tab
again it inform you that field is required and you
can't go ahead without enter the information.

Thank you


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Received on Monday, 8 April 2002 23:15:42 UTC