RE: XForms submit protocol

Perhaps this observation has been made or discussed,
but one problem with submission in HTML is the coupling
of the submission address with the form rather than
the submit button.  We should be able to have multiple
destinations for form submission, based on client-side
selection. In HTML syntax the FORM action attribute
should be attached to (or overridden by) an ACTION
attribute on an INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT button.  I suppose
we can do that with javascript now, but I submit that
the natural design calls for "action" to be bound to

John J. Barton          email:
MS 1U-17  Hewlett-Packard Labs
1501 Page Mill Road              phone: (650)-236-2888
Palo Alto CA  94304-1126         FAX:   (650)-857-5100

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2001 17:11:20 UTC