RE: Validation Error Messages


The answer to this has two parts:
1) such a mechanism is in the works. Probably it's not as elaborate as
Niall's ideas. After all, we are chartered to deliver XForms 1.0 rather
soon. Still, it's coming, and I look forward to your comments to what
the group is cooking up.

2) Ryan has, in his example, touched on another interesting area: how to
define the mapping between XML Schema value space, the lexical value in
the instance and the display value? And: How to define the way back?
Some more topics of current discussion.

Not particularly helpful, I'm afraid, but hopefully at least
enlightening :-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Niall Smart []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 3:14 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: Validation Error Messages
> --- Ryan Tomayko <> wrote:
> > I would like to suggest facilities for attaching a caption 
> or descriptive
> > message to data model validation or individual ui controls. 
> In essence, the
> > message would describe the validation error that occured. 
> This is necessary
> > if a descriptive message is to be given to the user when a 
> field fails
> > validation.
> I had also been thinking about this, but came up with a 
> different model to
> the one you are proposing.  My approach allows different 
> messages to be
> displayed depending on which facet has not been complied 
> with.  For example,
> given this model:
> <model>
>     <date name="startDate" required="true" max="endDate">
>     <date name="endDate" required="true" min="startDate">
> </model>
> then the error messages would be associated with the model using the
> following syntax:
> <messages locale="EN">
>     <startDate>
>         <required>You must enter a start date.</required>
>         <max>The start date must be before the end date.</max>
>     </startDate>
>     <endDate>
>         <required>You must enter an end date.</required>
>         <min>The end date must be after the start date.</max>
>     </endDate>
>     <required>You have not entered a mandatory field.</required>
> </messages>
> In the event of a facet f on model item with path p not being complied
> with then the processor will search for
>     messages[@locale=getlocale()]/p/f
> If this is not found then the last path element of p will be stripped
> off and it will try again, this allows "catch-all" error messages to
> be specified as above.
> Comments?
> Niall
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Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2001 10:04:04 UTC