RE: Inconvenient format


Thanks for checking out the XForms document. We decided on the
multiple-chapter structure to allow us to better subdivide our work.

We have provided a single-file version in PDF format. Our latest release is
found at

I am also investigating automated XML publication systems that are able to
automatically slice and dice a source XML document, providing multiple
options for presentation.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Yasskin []
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 1:08 PM
To: ''
Subject: Inconvenient format

The XForms WD is arranged in several short HTML pages. I find it
inconvenient to have to switch pages several times while I am reading the
specification. I prefer the single long page style used by the CSS pages.

Jeffrey Yasskin, MCSD

Received on Friday, 16 February 2001 17:29:20 UTC