- From: Nic Ferrier <nferrier@tapsellferrier.co.uk>
- Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 18:24:01 +0000
- To: MDubinko@cardiff.com, www-forms@w3.org
>>> Micah Dubinko <MDubinko@cardiff.com> 06-Feb-01 5:36:56 PM >>> >The wording could no doubt be clearer, but one issue >in our published draft is that the urlencoding specification >is 'almost-but-not-quite' conventional urlencoding. >The main change is that slashes are placed in the field names, >like "/PersonName/PersonTitle=Mr" Right... the document could make it clearer that the question is over the extra contextual information. >Would you consider your three arguments to apply >even to our modified urlencoding? I don't see any major problems with your urlencoding scheme. >Do you forsee any compatibility problems with existing >form processing? Forms don't expect to see a "/" do they. But that's livable with I feel (it won't take long to convert a script or program to handle the contextual information). >Would "conventional urlencoding" (as implemented in >browsers today) be preferable? No. The proposal made in the document pushes us forward without breaking our legs. It's fine. Nic
Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2001 13:17:13 UTC