RE: Question about xforms properties


The operation of these things has changed a bit, and is now entirely based
on XML Events. When the new draft comes out, have a look. Perhaps your
question will be answered.



-----Original Message-----
From: Hiroshi Iwasaki []
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:45 PM
Subject: Question about xforms properties

Hi all xformers;

I have a question about xforms properties.

11.2 XForms Properties says as follows:
For each xform element, the XForms Processor
maintains a set of read-write properties.

Since specification does not give us an example,
I can not undersatand where these properties should be declared.

I think 11.4.4 Interactivity gives us a hint where they should be declared.
It says as follows:
As users indicate completion of a form control by navigating
away the following occurs:
If the immediate-revalidate property is true, all revalidations
bound to the form control are run.

My guess is that they should be declared as an attribute of form control
element as follows:
<!-- Declaration of xforms property as an attribute of form control
element -->
<xform:input ref="pay:payment/pay:cc" immediate-revalidate="true">
  <xform:caption>Credit Card Number</xform:caption>
<!-- Plus the following in an external Schema -->
  <xsd:simpleType name="cc">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:pattern value="\d{14,16}"/>

Thus the XForms Processor gets xform property,immediate-revalidate="true"
from the xform input element.
Since the revalidation is bound to the form control, it is revalidated
when the user navigates away from the form control.

Am I correct?

Best Regards.

Hiroshi Iwasaki

Received on Monday, 3 December 2001 13:36:41 UTC