Re: [Moderator Action] Remarks about data-model 1.0 draft

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Gordan Vosicki wrote:

> [Issue: Months only provide an approximate means to specify duration
> since individual months vary in length.]
> The SQL standard (ISO 9075:1992) suggests a good answer in 4.5.2:
> There are two classes of intervals. One class, called year-month
> interval ... includes no fields other than YEAR and MONTH. The
> other class, called day-time ... can include any fields other
> than YEAR and MONTH.

A more general issue is that people don't always think in precise
terms. Should forms preclude the input of imprecise and potentially
culture dependent information?

My personal opinion is that this should be up to the designer of
the form, as he or she should be in a good position to understand
the purpose of the form and the intended user-base.

> PS. What's the status of the widget def. language ? Will a draft
> be available soon, or is XUL a good starting point, or one of
> the other proposals ? What's the time scale for this draft ?

The plan is to publish a first draft this autumn.


-- Dave Raggett <>
tel/fax: +44 122 578 3011 (or 2521) +44 778 532 0444 (mobile)
World Wide Web Consortium (on assignment from HP Labs)

Received on Friday, 28 July 2000 12:03:40 UTC