sample DTD for xforms


i know that the Data Model draft from 06 April 2000 has been deprecated,
but I've written a DTD for it anyway. I've also included some additions
found in Dave Raggetts examples. It can be used to validate all examples
(execpt for those with obviose errors) from the data model draft, it
also validates Dave Raggett's test.xml (If you wrap the content into a
<model> </model>).

While it work's I think it has some shortcommings, what especially buggs
me is the fact that there's an element and an attribute for
mask, fixed, default.

As this draft has been been obsoleted, I'd realy like to know the new 
light wight syntax. For now I'll take this DTD as base for my work.
Any comment wellcome.


BTW: look out for a XSLT to transform this into XMLSchema.

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2000 18:27:32 UTC