RE: model root element

This is not something that I recall coming up, but I agree.  I'd like to
think that one could only generate well-formed XML out of an XForm.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Hewitt []
Sent: April 19, 2000 5:47 PM
Subject: model root element

I'm a bit puzzled by the structure of the <model> element.  My primary
question is, must this model, and the subsequent instance document, be a
valid XML document, or simply a fragment?

In essence, what I am asking is, must the <model> element only have one
child, which would be the documentElement of the resulting document?  Or, it
is legal for <model> to have multiple children, thus making the resulting
instance a fragment, and not a valid document itself?

I would hope that this would be illegal:

	<group name="purchaseOrder">
	<group name="contactInfo">

- Joe

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2000 18:28:53 UTC