Re: [LC] 5.2.6 xforms:ID-card-number and 7.8.7 The luhn() Function (PR#63)


We will change the Change ID-card-number type to card-number and change name of
the luhn() function to is-card-number().


Nick Van den Bleeken

> "The complementary XPath function luhn() should be used to validate
> that the ID number conforms to the specification."
> I imagine that almost exclusively these will be used like this:
>        <bind nodeset="cc" type="ID-card-number" constraint="luhn()" />
> While I applaud the recognition of computer scientists who have
> contributed to society, I fear that this is too hard to remember for
> this single occurring case. May I propose as easier to cope with
> something along the lines of:
>        <bind nodeset="cc" type="card-number" constraint="card-number()" />

Received on Thursday, 13 September 2007 10:14:55 UTC