Re: XForms 1.1: Submit event (11.2) - @serialize (PR#1)

Thanks Mark. We accepted and made this change at the FtF 2007-06-13.

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton

> On the call yesterday, John suggested that one way to achieve the
> use-case I would like (of allowing a submission that does not send any
> instance data to not require validation) could be achieved by making
> the @relevant and @validate attributes *default* to the value in
> @serialize. I think this is a neat solution, and gives the author
> flexibility.
> So, proposed wording to go section 11.1, would be:
> --- STARTS ---
> validate
>      Optional boolean attribute that indicates whether or not the data
> validation checks of the submission are performed. The default value
> is the value of serialize, if present, or "true", otherwise.
> relevant
>      Optional boolean attribute that indicates whether or not the
> relevance pruning of the submission is performed. The default value is
> the value of serialize, if present, or "true", otherwise.
> serialize
>      Optional boolean attribute with default "true" that indicates
> whether or not the instance data is serialized as part of the
> submission. This can be useful for requests that either require no
> data or that have the data already gathered in the URI. Note that that
> setting serialize to false will also have the effect of preventing
> relevance pruning and validation. The author is free to override this
> by setting relevant and/or validate to "true".
> --- ENDS ---
> On 14/02/07, Mark Birbeck <> wrote:
>> The @serialize attribute seems to be a useful way of doing this:
>>   <xf:submission
>>     ref="/IHaveNoDataToSendIJustWantToUseSubmission"
>>     method="get" action="..."
>>   />
>> i.e.:
>>   <xf:submission
>>     serialize="false"
>>     method="get" action="..."
>>   />
>> However, because @serialize is not referred to until step 7 in 11.2,
>> the processor will already have gone through relevance filtering and
>> validity testing. Also, if there were no node to serialise from, step
>> 2 would actually fail, despite the fact that the author actually
>> doesn't want to serialise anything.
>> Is it possible we can harmonise the two more, so that serialize can be
>> used to indicate that you don't want to send any data, but you do want
>> to use the whole submission infrastructure. This is particularly
>> common when using a REST design, since a GET on a URL is all you need
>> to do to get a resource. Likewise picking up RSS feeds.
>> Perhaps a modification to step 2 along these lines is all that's needed:
>>   A node from the instance data is selected, based on attributes on
>>   the submission element. <add>If the value of serialize is false,
>>   processing continues at step 4, with no data selected.</add> If the
>>   attributes of submission select an empty nodeset...
>> Regards,
>> Mark
>> --
>>   Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer
>> | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232
>> |
>>   standards. innovation.
> -- 
>    Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer
> | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232
> |
>    standards. innovation.

Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2007 19:04:45 UTC