Re: XForms 1.1 "the next generation of forms for the Web" = too old school

On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:29:03 +0100, Daniel Gr <> wrote:
> Seriously:
> 1. Where's the audio input controls?
> 2. Where's the video input controls?

A flippant answer would be: In the same place as the date input controls.

What you have to understand is that the XForms controls, in almost all  
cases, do not commit themselves to the type of the data that they are  
bound to.

So if you say

	<input ref="departure">...

and the datatype of 'departure' is a date, then you get a date picker.

The advantages of this is flexibility. If XForms had required a date  
picker control, then it would have required a control for every sort of  
datatype, and when people needed new sorts of controls, the language would  
have to be updated.

With this design, the language stays stable, and implementations can  
compete on how good their controls are, and which types they support.

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton

Received on Friday, 23 February 2007 14:08:21 UTC