RE: Feed back on 1.0: Meaning of incremental attribute

I would also like to have the meaning of incremental on select and
select1 examined at the same time.
Aaron Reed pointed out to me that the default is true.
I believe we did this because we wanted the xforms-value-changed event
to change when the control itself was changed, and we have that
description in the text for select and select1.
If incremental is false, then only the select and deselect events are
sent until focus is lost.
Unfortunately, with select1/@selection='open', in a desktop browser,
each character you type in the entry field causes an
That makes it difficult to capture the the value-changed event and use
it to add newly-typed values for the open enumeration into the itemset.


From: [] On
Behalf Of John Boyer
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 3:27 AM
Subject: Feed back on 1.0: Meaning of incremental attribute

In Xforms 1.0, the description of the incremental attribute is

It does not describe what it does really.  It just says that when it is
true, more xforms-value-changed events will occur.  Maybe that's the
most that can be said in general due to multimodality, but 1) it should
then say that additional events *may* occur, and 2) an example of a
particular modality should be given.  I think that it could be described
though that incremental="true" means that each modification of the UI
control by the user is committed to data.   

Also, the attribute should be described in one place and it should say
that it is optional with a default of false unless stated otherwise.
Right now, it is described over and over again for no reason other than
that the default is true sometimes (e.g. select1). 

John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
Senior Product Architect/Research Scientist
Co-Chair, W3C XForms Working Group
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab


Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 16:47:41 UTC