Re: Question about UI Inline and updates

Hi David,

On behalf of the working group, we agree that the message action in your 
example (below) should display the
latest value typed by the user.  More generally, the message action user 
interface is created at the time the
message occurs so that it does not experience the xforms-refresh latency 
experienced by other controls.
We will shortly publish an erratum to this effect.

Note that the erratum will refer specifically to the message action.  By 
extension, this will affect the behavior
of help and hint messages.  However, this is different from your 
suggestion that all elements having UIInline
should not experience the xforms-refresh latency.  The label element also 
contains UIInline, but it is on the
face of the form, so the xforms-refresh behavior is satisfactory (the 
problem you demonstrated does not 
occur for labels).  Moreover, alert also contains UIInline, but its 
behavior is implementation specific.
If it behaves like a label, then its performance will be satisfactory as 
it is for label.  If it is implemented as 
a message action, then it would of course inherit the UI creation aspect 
of the message action and also
behave satisfactorily due to the erratum we will publish for the message 

 Best regards,
John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
Senior Product Architect/Research Scientist
Co-Chair, W3C XForms Working Group
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab


David Wrote:

Dear Working Group,

I have a comment about UI Inline. Because the UI isn't updated before 
the last step of refresh (as specified in the errata) then actions that 
can hold UI Inline (e.g. message) will not be updated when displayed to 
the user. This is not what I expect when displaying a message to a user. 

<xforms:input ref="birthday">
  <xforms:label>Enter birthday:</xforms:label>
  <xforms:message ev:event="xforms-invalid"><xforms:output ref="."> 
isn't a valid birthday</xforms:message>

In this case it would mean that the output displays the previous value 
of 'birthday' as the xforms-invalid event is dispatch before the UI is 
updated. As the errata is today an author would be required to do a 
refresh before displaying the message.

I suggest that actions which holds UI Inline updates their content 
before they execute.

See also the attached use case for a complete example.

Best regards,

David Landwehr (
Chief Executive Officer, SolidApp
Office: +45 48268212
Mobile: +45 24275518

Received on Saturday, 24 June 2006 00:52:39 UTC