Question about errata 2.3 E70a

Dear Working Group,

I have a question about In 
the changed specification wording in the second bullet it is written:
2. A node can be changed by confirmed user input to a form control, by 
xforms-recalculate (section 4.3.6 
<>) or by the 
setvalue (section 10.1.9 
<>) action. If 
the value of an instance data node was changed, then the node must be 
marked for dispatching the xforms-value-changed event.

Does that mean that an implementation with scripting capabilities must 
not account for nodes which were changed by script? E.g. a node changed 
only by script must does not participate in the changed node list for 
xforms-recalculate and controls bound to it must not receive 

Best regards,

David Landwehr (
Chief Executive Officer, SolidApp
Office: +45 48268212
Mobile: +45 24275518

Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2006 14:39:37 UTC