RE: Submission of invalid instances

Hi Hoylen,

You can actually submit an instance without validation already - you simply
ensure that there are no bind constraints or schemas defined for the model.
However, you are currently unable to move the data that a user is editing
from a 'live' instance to an instance for saving without validating. This is
being addressed in 1.1.



Mark Birbeck
CEO and CTO Ltd.

Download our XForms processor from

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Hoylen Sue
> Sent: 07 June 2004 07:35
> To:
> Subject: Submission of invalid instances
> A suggestion for future version of XForms: allowing invalid 
> instances to be submitted under certain circumstances.
> One of the things I thought XForms was going to do was to
> allow a user to partially fill in a form, save its state,
> and then return back to that state to continue filling the
> form in.  For example, turn their computer off and come back 
> the next day to continue filling in a long form.
> Currently, the submit processing fails if the instance is invalid.
> Hoylen
> -- 
> ______________________________________________ Dr Hoylen Sue
> DSTC Pty Ltd                                 +61 7 3365 4310

Received on Monday, 7 June 2004 05:02:08 UTC