FW: XForms 1.0 of August 01, 2003: XSD error messages

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennek Geels [mailto:jgee@oce.nl]
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 7:51 AM
To: mdubinko@Cardiff.com
Subject: XForms 1.0 of August 01, 2003: XSD error messages


I am not sure where to send this message, I hope you will not mind
forwarding it to the correct person.

While studying the Proposed Recommendation for XForms 1.0, I loaded the
XForms XSD (located at
http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/2002/XForms-Schema.xsd) in XMLSPy 5.4.

As it imports XML-Events-Schema.xsd from my local file system, I put the
text found at
http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-xml-events-20030207/#a_schema_xml_events in
a file named 'XML-Events-Schema.xsd'

When validating XForms-Schema.xsd I got the following errors:
  there are to instances of a typo in XML-Events-Schema.xsd: 
  SimpleTyle instead of SimpleType
This I could repair.
  'No attribute with the name ev:event has been defined'
This I couldnot repair.

Maybe the xsd need to be mended, or I need to be enlightened about these


Product Architect 

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 17:59:16 UTC