Friday, 14 March 2003
Thursday, 13 March 2003
Wednesday, 12 March 2003
- RE: How is 'HTTP Authentication Front-end' requirement met?
- How is 'HTTP Authentication Front-end' requirement met?
Tuesday, 11 March 2003
- Response to CR ISSUE 58: xforms-activate vs. DOMActivate
- Re: Response to CR ISSUE 46: 11.5 urlencoding -- tiny clarifications needed
- Response to CR ISSUE 53: Schema for #default use in includenamespaceprefixes
- Response to CR ISSUE 50 : 4.3.2 Focus
- Response to CR ISSUE 46: 11.5 urlencoding -- tiny clarifications needed
- Response to CR ISSUE XX:
- REsponse to CR ISSUE 45: Clarification of default for ref attribute of submission element
Saturday, 8 March 2003
- Need for version attribute on <xforms:model>?
- Namespaces for XForms 1.0 functions??
- XForms CR - 7.6.1