RE: Schemas and XPath 2.0

Hi Paul,

First, thanks for the careful read and comments.

On XPath 2.0, my impression is that a large majority of the forms-interested
public wouldn't stand for a lengthy (who knows? a year?) delay while XPath
2.0 catches up. It took us quite a while to get comfortable with XPath 1.0!
We are keeping an eye on developments, though.

If I'm missing something here (such as you using a stronger meaning for
'delegate') please let me know.



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: Schemas and XPath 2.0

Could Schema constraint checking be delegated to XPath 2.0 to avoid having
dependencies on XML Schema through two different paths and to simplify
XForms 1.0? I'm pretty sure you can use XPath 2.0 to check whether a value
conforms to a type or not.

 Paul Prescod

Received on Friday, 6 September 2002 15:00:32 UTC