Re: [Moderator Action] 8.1.9 - submit element - Design problems?

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----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 3:23 PM
Subject: [Moderator Action] 8.1.9 - submit element - Design problems?

> Bear with me here ... I may very well be missing something obvious ... my
> head is hurting. :)
> I am having problems reconciling the design of the submit element in the
> current WD with Requirement 4.3 of the Requirements WD.
> Requirement 4.3 indicates that XForms must support multiple "forms" per
> As I mentioned in an earlier post it is far from clear what a "form" is in
> the context of XForms.
> But let's assume that it means that multiple XForms models are allowed on
> each page. The spec says they are allowed, so it seems a plausible
> to the Requirement.
> So far so good. I would expect each xforms:model element may have its own
> xforms:instance element. That provides initialization data for the
> data of two different models. So we have two separate trees of instance
> - if we have two xforms:model elements. Right so far?
> But the design of the submit element is that it has single node binding.
> seems to me that it binds to a single xforms:submission element in a
> xforms:model. Or did I miss something?
> So how can I create a submit scenario which will submit data from more
> one XForms model - given that xforms:submit supports only single node
> and, as far as I can see, only references a single xforms:submission
> nested in one (of two or more on the page) xforms:model element?
> I am hoping I have missed some solution in the current WD.
> For a user to hypothetically fill in two "forms" on one page and then find
> they can only submit data from one seems wholly inappropriate.
> I will stop here in the hope that someone can point me to a simple
> in the spec.
> Anyone help me out here?
> Andrew Watt

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2002 12:06:43 UTC