Re: src attribute on xforms:instance - link or inclusion?

From: <>

> Stephen,


> In thinking further about the src attribute on xforms:instance I wonder
> whether this is not a "link" but rather should be an include.
> The XInclude REC indicates (presumably normatively) that a difference
> an XLink link with "embed" and an XInclude inclusion is that the latter is
> not necessarily rendered.

XInclude is not a REC by the way. It is only at CR at the moment. Even
worse, it normatively references an out-of-date XPointer. We are not even
allowed to normatively refer to a specification more than one step behind
us. But that notwithstanding, XInclude would be rather heavyweight for the
role it would have to play, and would be a tough requirement for handheld

(And by the way, XInclude has an href attribute which is also not an
xlink:href, so what would be the win from your point of view? And if it's OK
for them, why is it not OK for XForms?)

Steven Pemberton
Co-chair, W3C Forms working group.

Received on Sunday, 1 September 2002 16:08:29 UTC