10.7 setValue action and 4.3.6 valueChanged event

Section 10.7 doesn't say anything about any events that setValue might
generate. Section 4.3.6 says that valueChanged is issued only when the
user navigates away from the form control.

If no event is issued for a <setValue>, then no revalidation or
recalculation will be performed, leaving the UI out of sync with the
model. Is the intention of the spec that the developer will always issue
<revalidate>/<recalculate> himself? If so, perhaps this can be
clarified. Otherwise, I suggest changing section either 10.7 and/or
4.3.6 to say that valueChanged may be issued to form controls which are
bound to the instance data which is being changed by <setValue>.

Issue: if the developer doesn't manually issue a recalculate/revalidate
and processors aren't required to issue valueChanged, it's possible to
have an inconsistent UI. Should we allow this?


Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2002 06:19:20 UTC