80-19- Response to your issue sent to the XForms WG about the XForms Last Call WD

Your issue sent to the W3C XForms WG about the XForms Last Call Working

Your issue is archived at
issue 19

XForms WG Resolution:

* ISSUE 80.19: multiple model elements, multiply rooted
Roland Merrick: We don't describe this adequately; we don't want multiply-rooted.
Micah Dubinko: That's a separate issue.

Action 33: Roland to send message to w3c-forms about multiply-rooted instance dilemma if not discussed today.

Steven Pemberton: "In the absence of a model element"
Micah Dubinko: If there is no model element, there is no form.
Steven Pemberton: 4.2.5 is wrong. It should say "In the absence of a Schema".

Action 34: Micah to fix 4.2.5 to say "In the absence of a Schema".

Please respond to state that you agree with this Resolution.

Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2002 09:16:55 UTC