treatment of accesskey

The description of 'accesskey' functionality reads very much like what is in HTML 4.01.  There are some outstanding problems with this description as a specification.

Please consider rewriting the section on 'accesskey' more along the lines of the specification language as recommended by the WAI to the SMIL developers for SMIL 2.0.  For this language please see

For a further discussion of the current problems, please see the accesskey discussion in

You may wish to consider this injection of accesskey functionality part of the forms binding to an interface within a host language.  While form controls are typically among the high-priority navigate-to items in a host-language document, the provision of orderly navigation requires knowing what all the aspects are embraced by the host language and may perhaps not be well addressed on a module by module basis.


Process status:

This is a concern of some long standing about HTML (all flavors with hopes to get something better in XHTML 2.0).

The language proposed to SMIL 2.0 resulted from considered discussion and some back and forth with that group and should be taken as semi-mature.

The rest of the ideas are offered on a FWIW basis if they perhaps may help.

Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 16:48:58 UTC