Comments for WD-xforms-20020118

Congratulations on your XForms 1.0 Last Call Working Draft [1]. It is
beautifully produced and something to be proud of.

I have only one substantive request. In 8.10:
"..A limitation of the Schema list datatypes is that whitespace
    characters in the storage values (the value="..." attribute of the
    item element) are always interpreted as separators between
    individual data values. Therefore, authors should avoid using
    whitespace characters within storage values with list
is a major limitation that needs to be fixed. I am sorry I don't
know enough about schemas to be able to suggest how.

What follows are minor editorial comments. They use the "substitute
this for that" convention: s/that/this/

Globally, a small set of proper nouns unique to XForms seem to be
defined. It is important to always capitalize them, or not. (For the
most part they all match.) These include: XForms Processor, XForms User
Interface, XForms Model, and XForms Processing Model. I'm not sure
about Document in 11.

Also globally, s/web/Web/

Globally, s/Schema/schema/ (except XML Schema, the spec)

There are a few "in-your-face" URIs that need to be hidden and given
link text. This may mean adding a few references to appendix B.
Appendix B has this exactly right (see

In the Abstract, s/Forms for the Web/forms for the Web/

Twice in Status, s/W3C members/W3C Members/

In 1.2, "RFC 2119" needs an [RFC2119] link and RFC 2119 can be a

In 2.3, s/

s/See (See/(See/

In 4.3.2 1a, s/are be navigated/are to be navigated/ (or are navigated)

In 6.2.1, reword this sentence without gender:
   This enables the XForms author [sic] extend external Schemas that she
   does not have the ability to change.
   Thus the XForms author can extend external schemas without having the
   ability to change them.

In, s/XForms Property/XForms property/ (I think.)

Globally in 8, s/stylesheet/style sheet/ (Generally XSL is one word,
and CSS is two.)

In 8.2 and the image in 10.15, "it will not be visible as you type" is
somewhat misleading. The illustration shows the number of characters in
the password, a bit of information that would help someone crack it.
You might just say "Please enter your password." (The prose is correct
to say, "casual level of security.")

Globally in 8.9 and 8.10 and 8.11.3, s/flavour/flavor/
(Switching back and forth is confusing. W3C uses US spelling.)

In 8.10, s/whitespace/white space/

In 10.1, the two kinds of events could be in an ordered list (ol).

In 10.12, s/empy/empty/

In 10.16, s/XML-Events/XML Events/ and link to XML Events in B.1.

In B.2 FIMS, s/available at/Available at/

In E, all example URIs need to be either,, or that IANA has reserved for examples (RFC 2606). This
includes,, and I will spare the
details and cannot emphasize this enough.

In F, s/Schema/schema/

Three times in G, s/Phillips/Philips/

In G, s/Softquad/SoftQuad/

Twice in G, s/Staff Contact/Team contact/


Best wishes for your project,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Sunday, 17 February 2002 18:23:21 UTC